Questionable Motifs

“Have you got any soul?" you ask. That depends,I feel like saying;some days yes, some days no.A few days ago I was right out;now I've got loads,too much,more than I can handle.I wish I could spread it a bit more evenly,I can see you wouldn't be interested in my internal stock control problems,so I simply point to where I keep the soul I have,right in the archives, just next to the blues..where you will also find some folk,bluegrass,a wee bit ‘o jazz and of course good ol’ rock ‘n’ roll

May 15, 2006

How Krithika Kalyan got a crush, got a CD and got a headache..

Voggggay so...All apologies and more to that oh-so-cliched take on what has become the most infamous title of sorts. But at least, let me find some solace in the fact that I didn't let the title act as a spoiler to what is going to follow. (I mean seriously...How come half the literate world finds a book with a title summing up the entire plot in three phrases enticing enough to go and pick it up and compare note to note to more pulpy trash of similar kinds?!)

Anyway, I counted on the curiosity factor not being much of..err..a factor..Unless, you are one of the three people who visit this blog (thanks largely due to about two dozens promised and unfulfilled favors from my end..), you have no idea of how those dissociate lines have been strung together to form an excuse for a post!

So yeah...the prequel to this epic tale can be found here...Sunday saw me cut short my normalcy routine of two hours at the Barista near home with two expressos and a strong cappuchino over the Sunday times + my latest Crossword acquisition with Ethan Daniel Davidson's This machine kills fascists spinnin' alongside.... I dropped a few sweats on my way to the Planet-M store..After talking american folk of The Band kinds with one of the dudes minding the shelves there, I shrugged the thought of picking up a Strawbs' album away and went ahead with the original idea of picking up the latest album of Taxiride called Axiomatic (all the while, giving a very apologetic smile, which probably came out sheepish. to Mr. Folk - Don't think that was good enough judging from incredulous look he gave me when I went onto bill the Taxiride CD)..

I wallowed deeper in that horrible monster that has overtaken my senses (otherwise known as my crush on Jason Singh), breathed heavily when I tore open the CD cover ( dont even get me started on 'em wretched plastic sheets!!) all the while appealing quite loudly for a half page solo shot of Jason as the centrespread of the CD inlay..All I got was a few pages of some very sadly concocted colors spewing out a few lines outta each song. I recoiled in disgust when I realized these were actually the lyrics to the chorus bit of each song. And no....Just to clarify, I haven't even BEGIN to read the verses.....It is appalling enough that a band glorifies the least significant part of a song and wastes about a dozen pages on it..Again as a clarification - if there is one thing that is etched very clearly on my head is that a chorus is the last thing you want the audience to judge your song by...Most of the music I listen to can be categorized as prog or singer/songwriters...As for the former, well - the chorus bit has almost zilch importance, given the experimentative nature of the genre...And the folk singers - there are much more beautiful parts of their music than the chorus bit...

Now..I would have ideally liked to say that there is more to their songs than what met the eye in the inlay...Sadly and quite predictably, such good things do not happen to me...I couldn't get myself through a length of the CD to at least attempt at rethinking my initial impression ..Not even half a micron inch of the entire CD gave me that chance...My thoughts, in actuality, fluctuated between whether to bawl in pain, when Jason hit the lower notes on the mellow moments of the tracks or whether to snore heavily through my flared up nostrils, when he stuck to maintaining the norm of 80% of the song being supported by backing vocals...And not to mention, the utter pointlessness of listing out eleven tracks and giving them one imbeclic name after the other - everything anyway sounded as part of one continous snooze fest accentuated on a single note...

So I have reclined to the fact that I would need to put the TV on mute everytime I watch their oft-repeated tracks of the band...So what if he isn't good on the ears - I will just let Jason Singh be the sight to the sore eyes!


At May 16, 2006 10:01 AM, Blogger The Soulforged said...

there's a lady who's sure
all that glitters is gold...

They've called me a closed minded bigot, a music snob, a pseudo intellectual elitist and other such epithets just coz i'm extremely skeptical about anything coming out of today's music factory, especially if they claim to rock.

Inane song titles, 3 overdriven chords and 1 or 2 esoteric videos getting heavy airplay...thats all these assembly line bands are all about. And the vox! half of them try to sound like Eddie Vedder and the other half seems to be just breaking into puberty.

Given this dim view I am not the least bit surprised that you got a crush (I hear they have a separate shop floor for looks in the music factory), got a CD (they'd be available everywhere) and got a headache (that just proves you got something up there else you'd have liked it)

Mute and watch the video...that's an option...I can do that with Shakira and Pussycat Dolls videos ;)


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