Questionable Motifs

“Have you got any soul?" you ask. That depends,I feel like saying;some days yes, some days no.A few days ago I was right out;now I've got loads,too much,more than I can handle.I wish I could spread it a bit more evenly,I can see you wouldn't be interested in my internal stock control problems,so I simply point to where I keep the soul I have,right in the archives, just next to the blues..where you will also find some folk,bluegrass,a wee bit ‘o jazz and of course good ol’ rock ‘n’ roll

May 13, 2006

Taxiride on June 1st.....

So what's so great about a bunch of dudes with bad hairdos from downunder claiming to make not-so-alternative-and-but-definitely-not-pop music coming to India? That they occupy just under a dozen hours of TV space every day on VH1? (But then again, so does fifdy cent) That they have apparently have gone platinum in Australia with their second album, Garage Mahal? (but then again, probably so will Kevin Federline..) That they had once snared the Best New Artist tag at the Aria awards? (but then again...........well, actually...errrr... I don't have any argument against that...but still *yawwwnnn*)...

Forget all this and the fact that I quite liked (and sang along a bit) the two singles that I have heard of the band - "oh yeah" and "What can I say"? And also that I will probably pick up their third album, "Axiomatic" (mostly because Planet-M is throwing it away at 199 bucks :D)! Heck, the vocalist Jason Singh is hot!! Now there is probably a VERY strong likelihood that this opinion will change after I get to see him live at what will be a bad gig....But let me hang onto that not-so-common musician crush of mine for just a wee bit longer...Till June 1st at least!

And just in case I haven't made myself clear, JASON SINGH IS HOOOOOTTTTTT!!


At May 13, 2006 6:05 PM, Blogger Arjun Bala said...

yep. the two singles are quite catchy. different from the usual shit. and in case i haven't made myself clear enough, you've made it more than clear.

At May 13, 2006 6:30 PM, Blogger K. said...

Right-o! Although I thought I made myself clear about a totally different thing! But, what the heck!

At June 02, 2006 2:37 PM, Blogger Arjun Bala said...

so what are your views, now that you've caught them live, and after jason singh smiled at you.


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